Donald Trump and Joe Biden

CNN announces additional details on June debate, including muted mics and podium position

CNN has announced additional details regarding the upcoming June 27 debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, setting the stage for what is expected to be a contentious showdown between the two leading candidates ahead of the general election.

The 90-minute debate, taking place in Atlanta, will be moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. Both campaigns have accepted the invitation and agreed to the debate rules outlined by CNN.

According to CNN’s announcement, the debate will include two commercial breaks, during which campaign staff cannot interact with the candidates. Unlike previous general election debates, there will be no live studio audience. The positioning of the candidates’ podiums will be determined by a coin flip.

Notably, microphones will be muted throughout the debate except when it is a candidate’s turn to speak, CNN reported.

Candidates will be provided with a pen, pad of paper, and a water bottle, but they are prohibited from bringing props or prewritten notes.

CNN stated that the moderators will utilize all available tools to enforce timing and maintain a civil discussion.

Will Robert F. Kennedy Jr. join Trump and Biden at the debate?

It is unlikely that independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will participate in the upcoming debate.

To qualify for the CNN debate, a candidate must meet specific criteria: they must be on a sufficient number of state ballots to potentially reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency, and they must achieve at least 15% in four qualifying national polls prior to the eligibility deadline, CNN explained.

While Kennedy has met the polling threshold in three qualifying polls and is on the ballot in six states, making him eligible for 89 electoral college votes, his campaign has indicated efforts to expand ballot access in additional states, as reported.

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